convert 使用示例
import std.convert.*
main():Int64 {
var strBool_parse : String = "true"
var strBool_tryParse : String = "false"
var strChar_parse : String = "'a'"
var strChar_tryParse : String = "'\\u{00e2}'"
var strInt8_parse : String = "-128"
var strInt8_tryParse : String = "127"
var strInt16_parse : String = "-32768"
var strInt16_tryParse : String = "32767"
var strInt32_parse : String = "-2147483648"
var strInt32_tryParse : String = "2147483647"
var strInt64_parse : String = "-9223372036854775808"
var strInt64_tryParse : String = "9223372036854775807"
var strFloat16_parse : String = "-65504.0"
var strFloat16_tryParse : String = "65504.0"
var strFloat32_parse : String = "-3.14159"
var strFloat32_tryParse : String = "3.14159"
var strFloat64_parse : String = "-3.1415926"
var strFloat64_tryParse : String = "3.1415926"
var strUInt8_parse : String = "255"
var strUInt8_tryParse : String = "255"
var strUInt16_parse : String = "65535"
var strUInt16_tryParse : String = "65535"
var strUInt32_parse : String = "4294967295"
var strUInt32_tryParse : String = "4294967295"
var strUInt64_parse : String = "18446744073709551615"
var strUInt64_tryParse : String = "18446744073709551615"
println("After the conversion of parse, \"true\" became ${Bool.parse(strBool_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"false\" became ${Bool.tryParse(strBool_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"'a'\" became ${Rune.parse(strChar_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"'\\u{00e2}'\" became ${Rune.tryParse(strChar_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-128\" became ${Int8.parse(strInt8_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"127\" became ${Int8.tryParse(strInt8_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-32768\" became ${Int16.parse(strInt16_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"32767\" became ${Int16.tryParse(strInt16_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-2147483648\" became ${Int32.parse(strInt32_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"2147483647\" became ${Int32.tryParse(strInt32_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-9223372036854775808\" became ${Int64.parse(strInt64_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"9223372036854775807\" became ${Int64.tryParse(strInt64_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-65504.0\" became ${Float16.parse(strFloat16_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"65504.0\" became ${Float16.tryParse(strFloat16_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-3.14159\" became ${Float32.parse(strFloat32_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"3.14159\" became ${Float32.tryParse(strFloat32_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"-3.1415926\" became ${Float64.parse(strFloat64_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"3.1415926\" became ${Float64.tryParse(strFloat64_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"255\" became ${UInt8.parse(strUInt8_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"255\" became ${UInt8.tryParse(strUInt8_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"65535\" became ${UInt16.parse(strUInt16_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"65535\" became ${UInt16.tryParse(strUInt16_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"4294967295\" became ${UInt32.parse(strUInt32_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"4294967295\" became ${UInt32.tryParse(strUInt32_tryParse)}")
println("After the conversion of parse, \"18446744073709551615\" became ${UInt64.parse(strUInt64_parse)}")
println("After the conversion of tryParse, \"18446744073709551615\" became ${UInt64.tryParse(strUInt64_tryParse)}")
return 0
After the conversion of parse, "true" became true
After the conversion of tryParse, "false" became Some(false)
After the conversion of parse, "'a'" became a
After the conversion of tryParse, "'\u{00e2}'" became Some(â)
After the conversion of parse, "-128" became -128
After the conversion of tryParse, "127" became Some(127)
After the conversion of parse, "-32768" became -32768
After the conversion of tryParse, "32767" became Some(32767)
After the conversion of parse, "-2147483648" became -2147483648
After the conversion of tryParse, "2147483647" became Some(2147483647)
After the conversion of parse, "-9223372036854775808" became -9223372036854775808
After the conversion of tryParse, "9223372036854775807" became Some(9223372036854775807)
After the conversion of parse, "-65504.0" became -65504.000000
After the conversion of tryParse, "65504.0" became Some(65504.000000)
After the conversion of parse, "-3.14159" became -3.141590
After the conversion of tryParse, "3.14159" became Some(3.141590)
After the conversion of parse, "-3.1415926" became -3.141593
After the conversion of tryParse, "3.1415926" became Some(3.141593)
After the conversion of parse, "255" became 255
After the conversion of tryParse, "255" became Some(255)
After the conversion of parse, "65535" became 65535
After the conversion of tryParse, "65535" became Some(65535)
After the conversion of parse, "4294967295" became 4294967295
After the conversion of tryParse, "4294967295" became Some(4294967295)
After the conversion of parse, "18446744073709551615" became 18446744073709551615
After the conversion of tryParse, "18446744073709551615" became Some(18446744073709551615)